After another helpful Chiropractic session with Eloise at New Milton I met Jackie at The Quench for lunch.
Once again the Assistant Photographer used her camera to add further details to
Displays not pictured last time include a collection of coronation mugs and a tribute to Jonathan Livingston Seagull ;
and another set of quirky cruets.

This dog, quietly reflecting on the shiny floor, was allowed in because its humans were well behaved.
My blogging friend, John, having studied the menu published in the post mentioned above, had expressed his pleasure at seeing
American pancakes listed. Naturally I therefore chose and enjoyed them while Jackie was equally pleased with her cheese and onion toastie. The pancakes were served with maple sauce and rashers of bacon, which I found a delightfully intriguing mix.
This afternoon I made more progress with “The Charterhouse of Parma”.
Later, we all dined on further helpings of Jackie’s wholesome cottage pie, boiled potatoes, crunchy carrots, firm Brussels sprouts and broccoli, with which she drank Peroni, and I drank more of the Cabernet Sauvignon.