Jackie spent much of the day completing her work on the Weeping Birch Bed where she has also repainted the Heligan Path sign. A couple of days ago she could not reach her seat, let alone sit on it.
Later this afternoon we took a drive into the forest.

We followed a cyclist and her trailing, rather wobbly, skateboarding companion much of the length of Everton Road.
In fields alongside Braggers Lane we noticed a herd of mostly caramel cream coloured cattle accompanied by calves

trekking with some intent down from their hillside and up another slope. So dry was the terrain that dust clouds were kicked up.

I followed them to find them jostling for position around a water trough. The poor calf just had to wait its turn.

It must have been something energising in the water that caused the cows to engage in the normal springtime humping practice on the way back up the hill. One young bull tagged along with the two active cows when they reached their field, but showed no interest in participating.
This evening we dined on succulent bangers, creamy mash, crunchy carrots, tender green beans and spring greens with which Jackie drank Becks and I drank more of the Douro.